Nishatbagh Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type location is in Nishatbagh village, Srinagar, Kashmir. [Original Publication: Kapoor, H.M. 1977. Pastannah Section of Kashmir with special reference to Ophiceras beds of middlemiss. Journal of Palaeontological Society of India, 20: 339-347.]
Synonym: Nishat Bagh Fm
Lithology and Thickness
Tuff to Sandstone. Dark tuffaceous shale is the dominant lithology of this formation in the basal part; towards upper part it is sandy. ~280-300 m thick. The Vihi, Marahoma, Munda and Mamal beds in ascending order occur above the Panjal Volcanic Fm.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It rests over the Pindabol Fm. The lowest plant bed is termed as the Nishatbagh Fm (Kapoor, 1977a).
Upper contact
Non-conformable contact with overlying Panjal Volcanics Fm. Plant beds occur at several levels with respect to the Panjal Volcanics, though there is little difference in the flora of these beds.
Regional extent
Kashmir Basin
Plant fossils in the Vihi and Mamal beds are of Cathysian affinity (Kapoor, 1977b). Bion and Middlemiss (1928) were first to recognize the plant bearing Nishatbagh Fm. The bottom 200 m of dark shale encloses Gangamopteris angustifolia, G. indica (?), Psygmophyllum haydeni, Cordaites hislopi, Samaropsis sp. and Cordaicarpus (?) sp.
Depositional setting
Entirely freshwater flora suggests that the Nishatbagh Formation might have been deposited in shallow freshwater lakes (Kapoor, 1977a).
Additional Information